Friday, December 17, 2010

Final: Link to Team RAM blog


Google Sketchup

A fun exercise with Google Sketchup. This scene could be something from Tarzan, or maybe one can play the life of an animal. Perhaps a PETA promotion against poaching? 

Hero Machine

Brunga is the heroine. She was born without any powers, but her strength and wit make up for it. She must overcome her sister, Freiga, even if it means she must kill her.

Freiga is the antagonist, the evil villain. She was born with powers to manipulate ice and water. Freiga wants to control all the nearby kingdoms and cleanse the population of those who do not possess power. With that mentality, she looks down on her younger sister Brunga.

Korbos is a mystery. When Brunga encounters him she does not know whether to trust him or not. Sometimes he aids her in her trials, but he has his own intentions in mind. He may be just trying to get what he wants, something Brunga wants to find out.

Garageband Exercise

An ambient track reminiscent of Half Life 2. (Again, I was unable to upload the file as a video.)

Audacity Exercise

A simple track for exploring while wind blows in the background. I picture a scene at night, maybe up on some cliffs. (I was not able to upload as a video.)